Where are you located?  We are located in Dao-angan, Sagada, Mountain Province.  Approximately 0.5 kilometer from the Municipal Hall.  Click here to see us in the map.

We have Sagada questions.  Who do we ask?  Follow @survivingsagada on Twitter for all your Sagada questions. He is online 24/7 to entertain your questions.

How do we contact you?  Email us at sagadapinikpikanhaus@gmail.com or call at (63) 920 8135797.

What is your business hours?  We are open Mondays to Sundays from 6am to 10pm.

What is the seating capacity of Pinikpikan Haus?  Approximately around 50-60 seating capacity.

Do you offer catering for special events and occasions?  Yes we do.  Just contact us for an arrangement.

Do you also offer accomodation?  Yes, we accept guests at Alibama Inn.